“Apo, I am afraid about your decision on leaving Vic with the young lady. You know him.” Lolo Vir finally breaks his silence as they follow the Dalikmata along the empty streets with only a few cars embark the midnight journey while the city is already asleep and perhaps dreaming about its former glory when its people are simpler and buildings and infrastructure doesn’t look like a colossal tombstone. “Trust me, Lo. Lolo Vic is the best choice for leaving an empty mortal shell alone.” Denzel said calmly to which Lolo Vir can’t help but to wonder if his grandchild really knows about the history of infamous grandfather that become a most wanted figure before among his peers and colleagues who are part of the occult society. It is or the same reason why he can’t Lolo Vic who sought magic in extreme means with abandoned values and virtues; a typical wizard bent on the left path. “Alright apo. But don’t tell that I didn’t warn you.” The two hurriedly catch their breath as the Dalikmat...