“Apo, I am afraid about your decision on leaving Vic with the young lady. You know him.” Lolo Vir finally breaks his silence as they follow the Dalikmata along the empty streets with only a few cars embark the midnight journey while the city is already asleep and perhaps dreaming about its former glory when its people are simpler and buildings and infrastructure doesn’t look like a colossal tombstone.

“Trust me, Lo. Lolo Vic is the best choice for leaving an empty mortal shell alone.” Denzel said calmly to which Lolo Vir can’t help but to wonder if his grandchild really knows about the history of infamous grandfather that become a most wanted figure before among his peers and colleagues who are part of the occult society.

It is or the same reason why he can’t Lolo Vic who sought magic in extreme means with abandoned values and virtues; a typical wizard bent on the left path.

“Alright apo. But don’t tell that I didn’t warn you.”

The two hurriedly catch their breath as the Dalikmata finally took a slower ace on its flight; a sign that foretells them that they are already near towards the location of Cheska’s soul.

When the crow landed in one of the branches of Takang Demonyo, Denzel knew that their search is not yet done and they are just about to enter the climax of it. The Takang Demonyo tree that emits the foulest perfume of feces and rot is not only offensive in their noeses but also in their spiritual senses for this kind of tree shun by many happens to be a known portal that leads people to the abode of various elemental and diabolical entities who has a penchant for anything obscene.

“The group of Tikbalang who abduct Cheska is right behind the veil that this plant produces.” Lolo Vir said grimly while trying to think of ways on how can they pierce the mystical veil and enter the abode of the lustful beings to save the poor woman’s soul.

“I have an idea Lo. But I am not sure whether you like it.” Lolo Vir didn’t even notice that his apo was not around for some minutes. But when Denzel emerges from the thick bushes behind the tree, he is already holding on to his hand a stray black cat.

“Apo…you don’t mean you will….”

“Exactly Lolo... a ceremony for the dark one.”


“Time is running out Lolo Vir. This is not something to do with the left or right hand. We are talking about a person’s soul.” Denzel firmly answered without letting his grandfather voice out his complete disagreement on what he will about to do.

The Ceremony of The Dark One by virtue is a left-hand path ceremony that enables any mage to ask the favor of the Dark One by offering the blood of the living. Lolo Vir couldn’t help but blame Victori for teaching their apo this unspeakable practice which once more, he believes can put Denzel in danger in taking the beaten path of the occult.

And yet he can’t also deny the urgency of the situation where they need to act fast. He can’t see how the soul string of Cheska and if they spend more time just thinking without doing anything, chances are they can never retrieve her soul.

Despite his reluctance, Lolo Vir decides to silently watch his apo as Denzel prepares for the ceremony. He first took a box of raw salt and pour it around the Takang Demonyo. Then he took also a black and white candle from his bag, lighted them up, and place it beside him. The air grew cold and eerie as he takes the last item in his bag; a butterfly knife with archaic scripts etched on its blade.

“Take care of my body, Lolo Vir. And wish me luck…” Denzel smile and nods at his Lolo who is practically trying to contain his worry about his apo.

“Take care Denzel. Tikbalang are the elusive trickster and their speed is terrifying.”

The young occult practitioner nod once more as he takes note mentally of the words of his Lolo. After that, he begins the chanting of the forbidden words from the Libreta Negra. While chanting he traced some bizarre symbols in the air using his balisong. The chanting moves from slow ululation to deep and faster utterance of verbal urgings for the Dark One until the wind becomes prickly and unnerving.

As soon as Denzel enter the last part of the ceremony, the black cat didn’t even have the slightest idea that today will be his last day of hunting down rats and intruding houses for food left in the kitchen. When the Balisong of Denzel found its way down to the feline’s throat, the eyes of the animal turn to black. The stab on the neck was followed by another stroke until the wound forms a single script in Babayin which is equivalent to the word “open”

A shimmering vertical line of light finally emerges from the Takang Demonyo as the blood from the cat spilled on the ground and move with sentience towards the roots of the cursed tree. The opening might be small but for Denzel, it is enough for his soul to enter the world of Tikbalang.

After a series of long inhales and exhales, Denzel’s body suddenly becomes stiff. He is still holding the dead black cat but he is completely still as a tree with his breath slowly and nearly indiscernible.

Lolo Vir knew that his apo has already crossed the threshold between the mortal and spiritual realm. Now it's up to him to guard his apo’s body against any stray beings who wanted to possess it now that it was exposed from the eyes of the nocturnal beings.

“Rest assured po. Your Lolo got your back.” Lolo Vir said while his flaming specter moves towards the mortal shell of Denzel and takes over his body.


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